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Arturia Trestativ for KL88MKII og PolyBrute 2409005

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Leverandørlager. 7-8 virkedager til lager.

Support your music with a timeless style. Elegant for the living room, stylish for the stage, made with beautiful solid ash with cinnamon finish. This set of wooden legs securely attaches to KeyLab MkII’s or PolyBrute's chassis. Tried and tested for live shows, you can rest assured its sturdy structure will support your setup as you go wild for your audience. Dealing with an uneven surface? No problem. You can adjust each leg length thanks to its smart screw based mechanical system. You’ll only need 5 minutes to follow the simple instructions that come in the box.

NB! synthene på bildet følger ikke med i prisen.

Stylish Retro Design

The Wooden Legs gives KeyLab 88 MkII and PolyBrute that 70’s electric piano touch musicians love. Made of solid ash wood, the wooden legs will stand out and make your keyboard look gorgeous at home or on stage.

Sturdy Solution

While a keyboard can always slip from a regular X stand, the wooden legs firmly hold a keyboard. For maximum stability, you can even adjust each legs’ length.

KeyLab 88 MkII and PolyBrute compatible  

  • Wooden Legs specs: Height: 66.5 cm / 26.2 inches with adjustable length of 10mm / 0.4 inches

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