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Boss GK-5B Mic for bass til GM-800 GK-5B

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GK-5B Divided Pickup


Divided bass pickup for BOSS guitar synthesizer products with the Serial GK interface.


Next-Generation Divided Bass Pickup for BOSS Guitar Synthesizers


The GK-5B is a user-installable bass pickup designed for the advanced Serial GK digital interface found in the latest BOSS guitar synthesizer products. Offering improved performance over the previous analog 13-pin interface, Serial GK opens a universe of new sonic possibilities in guitar and bass synthesis.


 Next-generation divided pickup for electric basses

 Supports the Serial GK interface used in the latest BOSS guitar synthesizer products

 Stable digital transmission

 Light and streamlined connector housing with a lower profile than previous GK pickups

 Flat, slimline pickup fits on most electric basses with four, five, or six strings

 Adjustable sensor spacing to match most bass bridges

 Connector housing mounts securely to the instrument’s strap button with the included bracket

 Specially designed BOSS Serial GK cables (BGK series) available for stable and accurate operation with your Serial GK product


Expand Your Creative Range with a BOSS Divided Pickup

The GK-5B Divided Pickup is a specialized bass pickup designed for the GM-800 and other BOSS guitar synthesizer products. Unlike standard guitar pickups—which send all string signals to a combined output—the GK-5B senses each string individually, sending their signals to separate outputs within the Serial GK system. This isolated string information allows your compatible BOSS product to perform all sorts of advanced processing feats not possible with standard pickups.


About the Next-Generation Serial GK System

Serial GK is a new digital instrument interface developed for BOSS guitar synthesizers. It features a secure, space-saving connection that offers a lower profile than previous GK products. BOSS BGK series cables are specially designed for optimum performance with the Serial GK system, and they’re more durable and easier to handle than 13-pin analog cables.


Compatible with Most Basses

The GK-5B’s ample width and six internal sensors support installation on nearly any electric bass with four, five, or six strings. Going further, you can adjust the sensor spacing from underneath the pickup to perfectly match the exact bridge spacing on your instrument.



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