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Digitech Cab DryVR Dual Cabinet Simulator - BRUKT BR-CABDRYVR

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Strøken (som ny) Digitech Cab DryVR Dual Cabinet Simulator i original emballasje.


  • DigiTech CabDryVR Dual Cabinet Simulator pedal features a selection of 14 all new great sounding guitar and bass cabinet impulse responses.
  • Now you can run direct from your pedal board or preamp through the CabDryVR to your mixing board, in-ear monitors or DAW and get high quality cabinet emulation without the need for a real cabinet.
  • The CabDryVR uses a 9VDC power supply to easily integrate into your existing pedalboard.
  • The CabDryVR features dual inputs and outputs, one of which has an optional dry path that can run to your on stage amp input.
  • 7 Guitar and 7 bass Cabinets that can be Mixed and tuned (14 Cabinets total)


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