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Boss GKC-AD GK Converter 13 Pin to Serial (Boss GM-800) GKC-AD

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GKC-AD GK Converter


Drive the Next-Generation BOSS Serial GK Interface from a Roland GK-3 or GK-3B Divided Pickup


The latest BOSS guitar synthesizer products feature the Serial GK digital interface, a newly developed connection method that delivers evolved performance over the analog 13-pin GK interface used in earlier BOSS and Roland guitar synth and modeling products. The GKC-AD GK Converter allows you to drive the Serial GK input on the GM-800 Guitar Synthesizer from a Roland GK-3 or GK-3B Divided Pickup or an instrument equipped with a 13-pin GK output.


  • Converts analog 13-pin GK pickup systems to the newly developed Serial GK digital interface
  • 13-pin GK input and Serial GK output
  • Instrument output for passing normal guitar/bass pickup sounds embedded in the 13-pin connection
  • Compact and rugged metal design


Supported Products

The GKC-AD enables you to use the GK-3/GK-3B Divided Pickup or an instrument equipped with a 13-pin GK output with the following products:

BOSS Products

  •  GM-800 Guitar Synthesizer


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