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AirTurn BT500S-4 bluetooth controller BT500S-4

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Fotbryterkontroller i stompbox-design som enkelt kan integreres med pedalbrettet ditt. Med fire brytere for flere kontrollmuligheter!

  • Cue audio, lys, effekter
  • Start og stopp backing-tracks og metronomer
  • Send MIDI-kommandoer og egendefinerte DAW-knapper
  • Bla mellom sider, les musikk, skroll tekster og tabulaturer.
  • Kontroller presentasjons og teleprompter apper.
  • Start audio og effekter på cue.
  • Film, ta bilder og masse mer.

Best Bluetooth Pedal for Live Stage Performance
The AirTurn BT500S Series combines the features and performance of the classic BT200 series. It is created with the look and feel of a traditional stompbox style pedal with optional 9v power supply, making it easy to add to your existing pedalboard. It is built with industrial-grade steel switches, and encased with a nearly indestructible polymer blend that doesn't interfere with the radio signal and still holds up to road wear. Along with the ability to customize computer keyboard and MIDI commands, it’s the perfect app controller for guitarists, bassists, keyboard players, DJ’s, recording engineers, and more!

Custom Hands Free Editing and Recording for DAWs
Using the free AirTurn Manager app, you can easily assign your favorite hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts for hands-free recording and editing control. Arm tracks, start/stop recording and playback, toggle metronome, undo actions, solo/mute tracks, and anything else your computer keyboard can do!

Wireless Foot Controller for DMX Lighting and Bluetooth MIDI
Control DMX lighting fixtures with MIDI commands. Assign a MIDI note or CC to a parameter in your lighting software, and assign the same MIDI note or CC to your pedal in the free AirTurn Manager app. Now with a Bluetooth connection, you can make your lighting changes on the fly.

Universal Foot Switch for Keyboard Shortcuts and Macros
Shortcut keys can be convenient, and offer improvements in speed and performance if you have the extra fingers. Now, you can keep your hands focused on your task, and execute those commands with your foot. Use the AirTurn Manager app to easily program your favorite shortcuts or hotkeys for Word, Excel, PC games, DAWs, and more. It is available for Mac, iOS and Android in the Apple App store or Google Play store. Note that for a PC, you will need to first connect to your phone or tablet to change the settings.Macros are helpful when you need to repeat a text phrase, place line of code, or execute a series of commands at once. These lines of text, code, or commands can be turned into a macro. Then, the macro can be assigned to a switch. Now, you can use your foot for these repetitive actions!

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