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Korg CM300BK Kontaktmikrofon 8056103

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CM300BK bruker et piezo-element som tar opp vibrasjonene i instrumentet og sender dem via kabelen til ditt stemmeapparat for avlesing.

Spesielt når det er mye lyd omkring og du ikke kan bruke den innebygde mikrofonen i stemmeapparatet er CM-200 uunnværlig for å få et bra resultat. Maks bredde på ”clip-on-festet er 30 mm. Kabellengde 1,5 m.

The shape of the cable's strain relief where it joins the unit has been modified for increased durability in comparison to the previous model, and sound transmission performance has been further improved.

  • Redesigned cable that's even more durable and resistant to stress.
  • Clip section that allows stable attachment to a variety of instruments.
  • Available in three attractive colors variants.

The cable provides highly efficient sound transmission, and the sheath has been improved for softness, so that it can now curve flexibly. At the junction where the cable joins the clip, the strain-relief slits have been redesigned to reduce stress on the wire, making it more durable and long-lasting.

Clip section that allows stable attachment to a variety of instruments

The clip opens to a maximum width of 30 mm. The rubber inside the clip is shaped in a way that allows attachment to any type of instrument. It can be attached lightly but firmly to a variety of instruments, including to the bell of a brass instrument, the bridge of a violin, or the head of a guitar or ukulele. 


  • Plug: 3 mm monaural phone Plug
  • Maximum width of clip: 30 mm / 1.2”
  • Cable: 5 m / 5’
  • Weight: 35 g / 1.23 oz.


Korg er et japansk multinasjonalt firma som produserer elektroniske musikkinstrumenter.

Mest kjent er de for sine synthesizere, elektroniske orgel og portable MIDI-keyboard samt DJ-utstyr, men de har også tunere for gitar og bass i alle utforminger, farger og funksjoner man kan tenke seg. 

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