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Seymour Duncan TS-2s, Tripleshot, Curved, Creme, Set 011806-05-CR

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Pickupramme med mikrobrytere!
Her kan du splitte, serielle, og parallelle humbuckerne dine til krampa tar deg!


Expand your tonal palette by accessing three unique tones from a humbucker, thanks to this mounting ring that holds two small switches. description This "stealth" pickup switching device allows you to access series, parallel and split wirings with a standard humbucker. And it"s easy to install. Just solder your pickup leads to a small color-coded circuit board. That"s it. Push the two switches towards each other for standard series wiring away from each other for parallel wiring and both towards one coil (either one) to shut that coil off. complete setup For use with nearly any humbucker pickups with four-conductor cable: Seymour Duncan or otherwise. Note: Triple Shot is available in black and cream. Will not fit Nickel and Gold covered Trembuckers.

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